I am used to walking alone and enjoy it, but I was delighted when my friend Sue wanted to walk with me. Living a mile and a half apart on a quiet road, we decided it would be perfect to meet half way then continue walking together.
Sue got a head start on me, so we met close to my house instead of half way. As we joined together, she turned to continue with me going towards her home. While feeling pleased about our little jaunt, and enjoying conversation and chuckles, thunder began to rumble in the distant west.
With a bit over a mile and a half to get home, I took heed of the impending storm, and we parted ways. Being a good friend, Sue offered to drive me back. I declined.
Did you ever turn down something and milliseconds later wish you hadn’t?
Totally drenched, and a long way from home.
I darted homeward.
Sue is kind.
She came to give me a ride even though I refused her invitation.
With rain dripping off my nose, clothes soaking wet, and toes squishing in my shoes, I jumped in the rescue squad.
If I would have walked alone that day, I don’t think I would have been drenched because I wouldn’t have walked that far. And Sue wouldn’t have to go to the trouble to retrieve her wet friend in the rain.
But then Sue and I wouldn’t have a story to tell, we wouldn’t have the exercise, nor would you be reading this blog.
Involving other people in our lives can make things messy. But, messy is what Jesus means when He says we must lay down our lives for each other.
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. John 15:13
Let each of you look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Phil 2:4 MEV
I like this, Joy! I like that “messy” is what HE means because sometimes I “AM” the mess that someone else may have to deal with!
Thanks Pam! Yep I know what you mean. Sometimes I’m the mess someone else has to deal with too!