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How would your life be different if you were aware of God’s continual and perfect love for you?

Pretty cool to think about right?  That’s what He wants for us.

I mentioned in a previous blog about the STYLE Program I created to help you become more aware and receptive of God’s lavish love for you.

The Y in STYLE = you delight me.

Do you realize you delight God just for being youIt may be hard to understand, and especially difficult to believe in your inner-core.

You delight God.

Nothing is hid from Him.  He made you and knows you intimately.

He doesn’t necessarily like what you think or do, but He delights in the person you are deep down within.  He sees you through Jesus’ eyes.

Maybe you’ve learned to cope in life by using your own wits, and making bad choices that bring you down. Believe me, God sees through it all.

He still delights in the you He created, and He longs for your companionship.

The L in STYLE = listen with all you got.

If you listen with all you got” you are listening above and beyond mere words.  After all, that only communicates a portion of what is being told.

To listen well, everything in you needs to engage with the other.

For example, what are this persons needs right now? What are they feeling? What is their body language telling you? What is their overall tone?

If you understand their personality and character that goes a long way in understanding what that person is trying to say.

It’s a bit like listening to understand my mother when she was no longer able to speak due to aphasia.

I could comprehend a good amount of her garbled words, because I knew her. I knew her heart and what she was inclined to say.

The same is true of our Creator the more we know His character and His heart, and what He’s inclined to truly say, the better we will be able to hear Him.

Like the towhee I wrote about earlier, I know what God is inclined to say and I creatively listen to the towhee’s song as a reminder of God’s personal love song to me.

For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs. Zephaniah 3:17 NLT

If I don’t have a clear vision of my Creator’s character then I may easily misunderstand what He’s saying.

So if I want to hear God ‘s words to me I must get to know His character and heart as best I can.

The E in STYLE = express the positive.

Our Creator longs to express to us the positive things He sees in us. He is hotly pursuing you and me.  He wants to lavish us with His goodness.

Believe it sister it’s true!

To be filled and nourished with God ‘s goodness we must be with Him often . . . feast with Him. The more we dine with Him the more we will get to know His heart and be changed by Him.

Join me on my walk and watch my video here.

Taste and see that the Lord is good. Psalm 34:8 NIV

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