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How to be Emotionally Resilient & Inwardly Strong

God created you to be inwardly strong, emotionally resilient, and to have great relationships. If you’re not inwardly strong and resilient, it could cost you your soul.     Stuffing your vulnerable and weak feelings you suppress your emotions. When you...

Wordless, Yet Powerful Conversation

Yes, a conversation can be wordless.  And yes, a wordless conversation can be powerful.  It may well be one of the deepest blessings you, or I, will receive. A conversation with gaps of silence, with someone you don’t know very well, feels odd. However, a...

How to Turn an Ordinary Day into an Extraordinary One

It was an ordinary day,  doing ordinary work,              UNTIL It stopped wringing the clothes. The washer. What a nuisance. Guess I’ll be wringing clothes out by hand until we get a new one. Oh bummer.  Another step, and more time. I wasn’t counting on this. How...


  I once visited a church service that opened with this exchange: Pastor: God is good. Congregation: All the time. Pastor: All the time. Congregation: God is good. Easy to say. Hard sometimes to believe. When we face tough times, we may feel God is anything but...

Good News, God Gave You Super Powers

At times it seems your thirst for love will never be quenched. You know in your mind you are loved but, it doesn’t always match your feelings. Sometimes you are down right lonely . . . and wish you had super powers to resolve those pangs.     The good...

New Hope for the You Within You

  How’s your spirit?  Your spring of your life . . . how’s it flowing? I mean the you within you. How’s your attitude?  Is it the attitude you want?  Or do you long for something different?   Is your spirit what you want it to be? Like it...

Heart Working Means . . .

What does it mean to have a heart that works? To know what it means to have a heart that works, or to be heart working, we first need to define heart. In biblical terms, the heart is the CENTER of all parts of human existence. It is the core of your being. Watch over...

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