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At times it seems your thirst for love will never be quenched. You know in your mind you are loved but, it doesn’t always match your feelings.

Sometimes you are down right lonely . . . and wish you had super powers to resolve those pangs.



The good news is you have super powers.

And what powers you don’t have  . . .  Jesus does.

Here’s the thing.

The most important thing about you is your mind. And the most important thing about your mind is what it’s fixed upon. So the object is to have your mind always fixed on the Lord. This is only possible through constantly renewed effort.

Dallas Willard

You have the super power to fix your mind

on whatever you want.

And when it’s focused on the right things you will be empowered.

I seem to have a never ending need for love. And that need for love rarely seems to get filled.

Only God can fill that void. (I know that in my head anyway.) He put that vacancy within me to give me a craving for communion with Him.

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength;

they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31 KJV

It’s no fun to feel lonely or unloved. I know it’s a lie when I do so . . .

I’ve been on the look out for ways

I can power up and become more aware of Jesus’ love

and how to receive it.

In the process, I discovered a fun way to allow that intellectual knowledge trickle down a little further into my heart knowledge.

I’m excited to share it with you.

Watch the video below and I’ll show you as we walk through the woods.

Then let me know what you do, or want to do, to be more aware and receptive of Jesus’ love for you.

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