by Joy Thacker | Aug 4, 2018 | soul talk
God created you to be inwardly strong, emotionally resilient, and to have great relationships. If you’re not inwardly strong and resilient, it could cost you your soul. Stuffing your vulnerable and weak feelings you suppress your emotions. When you...
by Joy Thacker | Jul 24, 2018 | soul talk
How would your life be different if you were aware of God’s continual and perfect love for you? Pretty cool to think about right? That’s what He wants for us. I mentioned in a previous blog about the STYLE Program I created to help you become more aware...
by Joy Thacker | Jul 18, 2018 | soul talk
Yes, a conversation can be wordless. And yes, a wordless conversation can be powerful. It may well be one of the deepest blessings you, or I, will receive. A conversation with gaps of silence, with someone you don’t know very well, feels odd. However, a...
by Joy Thacker | Jul 11, 2018 | soul talk
Do you struggle at times with not having the confidence, or authority, to be yourself in your significant relationships with family or friends? Do you feel at times like no one really knows you? The real you is lonely, and yet afraid to come alive . . . Sometimes I...
by Joy Thacker | Jun 25, 2018 | soul talk
It was an ordinary day, doing ordinary work, UNTIL It stopped wringing the clothes. The washer. What a nuisance. Guess I’ll be wringing clothes out by hand until we get a new one. Oh bummer. Another step, and more time. I wasn’t counting on this. How...
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