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What does it mean to have a heart that works?

To know what it means to have a heart that works,

or to be heart working,

we first need to define heart.

In biblical terms, the heart is the CENTER of all parts of human existence.

It is the core of your being.

Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life.

Proverbs 4:23 NASB



will, spirit, and heart,

refer essentially

to the same thing.

 Let’s look at each individually.



The will is the ability to choose.

Freedom and creativity are housed in the will, and are at the absolute core of a being.

The will gives a person the capacity to originate things and events

that would not otherwise be, or occur.

The spirit is non-physical personal power.

The spirit refers largely to the same function as the will.

The spirit is at the center of the ability to choose.




The Heart is the essence of who you are. The heart includes the will and spirit.

In ancient literature, including the bible,

as a general rule,

heart also refers to the same as the will.

The heart is the center of all parts of human existence.

All three, spirit, heart, and will, have essentially the same function.

Having heart is part of being made in the image of God.

Your spirit will work as it’s meant to work as you surrender it to God.

Your heart, spirit, and will were made to surrender to Him.  This is how you become whole.


A heart that’s working = A heart that’s surrendering.

Your inner and outer person become integrated as one. 

You become intimately acquainted with joy and peace. 

Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life.

Proverbs 4:23 NASB


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