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Beauty Part 2

Tears gathered in my eyes, and my friends wondered. “The details of this world, no matter how harsh they may be, can be assembled into poetry and art.”  (Robert Klein Engler)   Beauty Part 2 by Julie Leppert (Read/listen to Beauty Pt. 1 here.)   You...

Beauty, Women & Vesuvius

by Julie Leppert I am a woman.     Those four monosyllabic words, but one, echo as if the five syllables have slipped off a shiny chord blip              blip                          blip                                      blip-blip and fallen into an unforeseen...

Soul Rest & Sardines

Hide-n-seek, peek-a-boo, & sardines . . .  remember playing these as a child? Not long ago, I was unknowingly playing a grown-up version of the whimsical game hide-n-seek. Waiting for my friend, Trish, at Panera. Sitting at opposite ends of the restaurant for an...

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