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We often don’t realize we are not taking God’s ways seriously. We get stuck in our emotions.

It’s a dare: to be open to receive God’s transforming heart-work, a re-vamp of our hardwire.

To “take every thought captive”. Requires vigorous and total attention. Negative emotions clog the system. “Be very careful about what you think. Your thoughts run your life.” Proverbs 4:23

Your head and heart connection generates peak level functioning, and gives you the ability to “run on all cylinders”. It’s transformation at the core/center, it’s growth in the inner life, it lasts, it’s real, it’s something we cannot do on our own, but we can open ourselves to receive it as we depend on God’s grace.

This message burns deep in me and I can sit on it no longer. I’m looking forward to sharing it in greater detail at the Heart Working Women Retreat. Register here.

God has said, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.“ You know it in your head. But, when was the last time you were anxious? Yesterday? Today? Two minutes ago?

“Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for Thou art with me” When was the last time you walked through grave difficulties and were not fearful? While we know these things in our head, it doesn’t mean we automatically feel it, experience it, and live it out. Right?

Or we can experience the head and heart connection one time or another, but not the next. It’s all part of the process that God calls us to daily, and moment by moment, to depend on Him. To find our sustenance with Him.

“Love is patient. Love is kind.” . . . Yet what happens to us when we are irritated? Well, we’re usually not patient and/or kind. Yet it is possible.

What does our irritation do for us anyway? On the other hand, to respond to a negative person or situation by being loving or kind . . . that is life-giving not only to the other person, but to you too. It is through God’s grace we can do this and not of ourselves.

Knowing God’s life-giving truths in our head does not automatically make them a reality in our lives.

It’s a dare: to be open to receive God’s transforming heart-work, a re-vamp of our hardwire. Register here

Joy Thacker loves to listen to your stories. Especially when they are your stories of transforming grace. As a recovering pocket-dweller she has some of her own life-altering tales to tell. She shares them in writing and at the Heart Working Women Retreats where she is passionately dedicated to helping women grow within authentic community. Joy is joyfully outnumbered in the parsonage with her four good men . . . one husband and their three sons.

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